Mesothelioma Lawyers San Diego

Mesothelioma Lawyers San Diego

Mesothelioma Lawyers San Diego

Mesothelioma Lawyers San Diego
understand how to choose a lawyer for this disease, you should first understand the basics of the disease. In the simplest sense, mesothelioma is a cancer of the protective layers of the body cavities, known as the mesothelium.

These tissues have different names depending on the organs they protect. You have probably heard of the peritoneum–this is the covering around the stomach and intestines. Other organs and cavities have their own membranes as well.

Mesothelioma is a cancer of these tissues. They often do not just affect the tissues–they affect the organs they surround and can spread elsewhere. This cancer is most often contracted by exposure to asbestos, a highly dangerous mineral often found in floors, ceilings, and some products.

Employers and landlords are supposed to protect you from asbestos, but often this does not happen. If you have mesothelioma you have probably been exposed to asbestos. If so, you should contact mesotheloma attorneys in your area to see if you have a case against the party responsible for your exposure.

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, your oncologist may be your best source of names for attorney contacts. She will likely have already worked with them on cases and can tell you not only who specializes in your type of cancer but who is best and who is within a short distance from your home or work. If she does not have the right kind of specialist, there are other ways to find the right professional for your case.

You can check with other doctors who deal specifically deal with mesothelioma if your doctor is more of a general oncologist. These doctors may have worked more closely with mesothelioma lawyers in your area of southern California. You can also call local hospitals, various cancer support groups–area law schools are also excellent for references. Also check your union or professional group if you were exposed on the job.

Regardless of where you find your contacts, interview the lawyer, check on his or her background, and get references if you can. If you are ill, the last thing you need is more trouble.



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